
Land Rover Noises: Does that sound right?

After driving a Land Rover for a while, you start to feel in tune with the vehicle. Gear changes are smoother, there's less body roll in the corners and you can judge the turning circle properly. And then, something doesn't feel quite right. Is that a sound that you've never heard before?...


110 SW 300Tdi ROW LHD

To the untrained eye this title looks like a lot of acronyms, but to others it means so much more. There is a good argument to say that the 300Tdi engined Rest of the World (ROW) spec Left Hand drive 110 Defender Station Wagon is the most desirable Land Rover Defender to make into an expedition vehicle....

Tips, expeditions, articles and information on planning and running an expedition in a Land Rover Defender. It's what they're made for

expedition life

The Long Drive to Work

Walking through the London carrying three diesel jerry cans I was a little surprised that no-one even raised an eyebrow. Had I been asked what I was doing, my answer would have been "I need them to ensure my fiancé and I can drive through Mauritania without stopping for fuel because things are a little tense there just now after the coup". I’m sure the Met police would have been very understanding at this explanation....


Spare wheels on expediton

The large debate to have with yourself when planning any expedition is "what should you take and what should you leave?". This inevitably encompasses spare wheels as they're bulky and heavy. If you're planning on going remote, then a spare wheel is absolutely essential in the event of a puncture....