Do you have a fire extinguisher?
And if you do, is it easy to get to? It's one of those things you don't really think about, but a fire can take your vehicle with it in a matter of minutes. Some cars have a reputation for catching fire, but not so much with Land Rovers. That is unless it's a V8 in which case it's a very well documented problem where the oil cooler pipes get too close to the exhaust manifold and this happens:

Where there isn't a design flaw in the vehicle, other contributong factors can include the vehicle overheating, fuel leaks, an electrical malfunction or a big risk in Southern Africa is driving through long dry grass where it gets stuck against the hot exhaust and ignites.
We used to have fire extinguishers in the footwells of the Land Rovers in Belize. Thankfully we never had to use them and it did seem that the risk would be quite low. However, i've come across several examples on the web that shows that it can be more of a risk than you think and it's certainly made me want to get one.
Some volunteers with the charity Mercy Ships got a very real welcome when they were being collected from the airport. Their 300Tdi 2004 110 Defender, only 3 years old at the time, caught fire from some wiring in the passenger footwell. With no fire extinguisher in sight they saved their possessions and could do no more than watch the vehicle light up the sky. The next day it was recovered back to the ship in a trailer, now worth nothing more than scrap. Needless to say the organisation bought fire extinguishers for all its Land Rovers at that point.
Photos and story from here and here.
The risk of catching dry grass with your vehicle's exhaust pipe can affect any vehicle:
From here
Recently it also happened to a Discovery 2 in Wales
There is a genuine Land Rover part fire extinguisher which is available as an option: STC8529AA. At this money it's quite pricey, but there are lots of affordable fire extinguishers available for under £15. Make sure it's of the dry powder variety which is for flammable liquids and electrical fires.
I think i'm going to get myself one, because you never know.