expedition life

The Long Drive to Work

Walking through the London carrying three diesel jerry cans I was a little surprised that no-one even raised an eyebrow. Had I been asked what I was doing, my answer would have been "I need them to ensure my fiancé and I can drive through Mauritania without stopping for fuel because things are a little tense there just now after the coup". I’m sure the Met police would have been very understanding at this explanation....

expedition life

3 historic, inspirational Land Rover expeditions

Over the years I have found many websites, but the ones below have personally been the most inspirational to me because of a blend of adventure, hard core off roading, reliance on the expedition vehicle and unexpected occurences. To me they sum up everything great about using a Land Rover for an expedition....

expedition life

Which expeditioner are you?

The word "expedition" conjures up different images in peoples' heads. Therefore what is considered to be an "expedition" can be extremely wide ranging. So too can the decisions people make about what vehicle they want to use on their expedition. We've put together a survey to see just what people are thinking and what is considered to be a good vehicle for adventure....